All orders paid and cleared by 3:00pm CST ship the same day. Orders that are cleared after 4:00pm EST to 3:00pm CST will be shipped the next business day.
Buyers are responsible for the shipping charges. You may want to send us a label if you choose to arrange your own shipping.
Packages will not be insured unless requested by client. Lost packages are buyer's responsibility. If you purchased insurance through us we will be happy to help you file a claim.
We do not ship before cleared payment under any circumstances.
We can be held responsible for WHEN we ship, but not when carriers deliver.
We currently offer a free shipping promo to 1st time buyers who purchase over $2,000.
Saturday Deliveries: you will only get your order on Saturday if you specifically ask for Saturday delivery. This will be an additional cost to regular overnight shipping. We do not guarantee a specific delivery date. We do guarantee a specific shipping date.